Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Soverign Saeline-The Elemental Empress

Sovereign Saeline, the Elemental Empress’ Story:

The War Commences-Chapter 1
Enjoying the serenity and peace of her Underwater Kingdom of Seaciliton, Sovereign Saeline, the newly elected ruler of the Kingdom of the Earthly Elementals sensed danger in the surrounding elements. She gained her new title from her victorious defeat over a dangerous foe but did not foresee facing another battle so soon.
The previous battle had taken its toll on her in the form of the loss and sacrifice. Instead, she only longed for quiet solitude. However, the air, water, earth, and fire elements all sent tingles of warning sensations to her, calling for her aid and informing her of an upcoming threat. War was approaching the land and her army needed to be gathered. Once again balance needed to be restored, despite the awkwardness of the timing. Her emotions and feelings of the past needed to be put aside.
Trumpeting a call to arms, she gathered her force from the various land’s elements; including the space-bound Gravity Hunter! Unfortunately, her magic powers could not foretell of the dangers of such a move and when the call was answered the damage was done. All she could think about was the sooner the balance and peace was restored the sooner she could return to her moments of retreat. Joining the battle she decided that peace must be upheld… at all costs!

The Borderland Dispute-Chapter 2
Ruling Sovereign and Monarch over the Kingdom of Earthly Elemental it remains the responsibility of Saeline, Guardian of the Underwater Kingdom Seaciliton, to protect the natural balance of the planet. In her haste she called for aid from each of the Elemental Kingdoms without attempting to foresee the dangers in her decision.
Drawing away the Lava Leviathans from the land of Asishton she plunged the poor clan warriors into turmoil. Unable to live off of the tempered heat provided by the gentle lava creatures Axis was forced to look elsewhere for their source of fire. They burned the forests of the Elves for survival, forcing them to retaliate.
Despite the growing dangers in the land some did not heed Saeline’s call to arms. The Ice Elemental, from the hideous artic dragon’s brood Icistickis, rebelliously chose to remain behind and fight alongside the seething Hystic Shyrosck. She learned too late that this was due her calling the Dwarves Winged Eagles, which they relied on as riding mounts. The Dwarves had captured Shyrosck’s betrothed, Korthitos and his hatchmates, pressing them into being their own mounts. As a result, the Ice Elemental sided with the dragon’s ice army.
And a greater danger was also emerging, in the dark, cloaked form of an old and familiar rival... Nyrolate.

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